Saturday, February 28, 2015

Transparency and Accountability in the Context of the new Fiscal Regime

There were great expectations from the 14th Finance Commission to transform the fiscal ecology of the country given that a new government had been elected and it was talking of transforming governance under the slogan of “minimum government maximum governance” and strengthening transparency and accountability. Further the implementation of the 14th FC coincides with the 2015-16 budget which is the first full budget of the new regime in power at the Centre. The Finance Minister in his budget speech said that this budget will make India fly, with acceleration of economic growth to 7.4% the fastest in the World, and set in process an unprecedented transformation of India’s economic and social development.
The big news emanating from the 14th FC is the 10 percent point increase from 32% to 42% share of states in the divisible pool of taxes. There is euphoria all around that states will get a much larger share from the tax kitty. What does this really mean? Yes the states are getting a much larger share of taxes as unconditional transfers, to be precise 31.25% more as a share compared to the 13th FC period, which means that they have more funds to plan their development strategies autonomous of the Centre, meaning delinked from Centre’s planned programs and schemes. So the positive aspect is that the fiscal space of the states to do their own thing has expanded substantially.
But has the total fiscal envelope of the states really expanded as much? The answer is no. While the proportion of unconditional transfers have increased substantially the total transfers have not increased as much – just about 2 or 3 percent points. The “magic” that has happened is that with the “shut-down” of the Planning Commission a large part of the funds that the Centre transferred through various plan schemes have now been assigned directly to the states. Thus we see that there is a huge jump of 37% from the previous year in tax transfer (unconditional revenues) to states in 2015-16 budget in accordance with the 14th FC mandate but on the other hand for grants and loans from Centre to states we see a huge decline of 19% for the same period, mostly in the financing related to Central Assistance for State plans. In 2014-15 the total transfer of resources from the Centre to states was 51% and this has increased to 53% in 2015-16, a gain of mere 2 percent in the overall fiscal envelope which amounts to just 0.58% of GDP. Infact the 2014-15 budget had already begun that process of shifting many of the plan schemes into the state pool. In contrast the fiscal space of the Centre has shrunk consequently and this would impact budgets of a number of its line departments, especially social sector and anti-poverty programs. The big challenge emerging from this is would the states use their larger fiscal space to fill the gap that would be created with compression in the allocations of Centre’s line departments?
So given this reality the euphoria is unwarranted. The states have serious thinking and strategizing to do if they have to take advantage of this new opportunity and trajectory. At one level they have a larger fiscal space but at another level their challenge is to use this additional fiscal space effectively to fill the gaps and deficits in development and service delivery in their states. Thus defining appropriate priorities as per the needs and demands of their citizens becomes critical to achieving their development goals. This also opens up the space for civil society groups to engage with the states in determining these priorities.
At the level of the Centre their fiscal space may appear to be reduced but with the Planning Commission fading out they have simply slashed a whole lot of plan schemes which the Centre used to give as grants to the states from its own resources as assistance for state plans. But as mentioned above the loss in the Centre’s total fiscal envelope is only 0.58% of GDP but against this small deficit the burden on the states in terms of responsibility to continue and strengthen various ongoing programs that the Centre has now seconded to the states is perhaps much larger.
Further the 14th FC has also done away with sector specific grants that earlier FCs had included arguing that such priorities are best decided by the states and often such specific grants were an imposition from above and many states did not like it. Hence this became the logic for raising the unconditional ratio from the divisible tax pool so that states had a greater autonomy or freedom to plan as per its own needs and priorities. The 14th FC in the light of this recommendation has suggested a new institutional mechanism through which the Centre can engage with states in a transparent manner to facilitate additional resource transfers from the Centre’s fiscal envelope now that the Planning Commission has ceased to exist.
The 14th FC has also continued with making provisions for local governments, both panchayat and municipal bodies. It is at this local level where transparency and accountability is the weakest and hence the grant has been bifurcated into two parts, one as their dedicated share for basic services (90% for panchayats and 80% for municipalities) and the other part (10 and 20 percent respectively) based on performance wherein two critical transparency indicators have been indicated – timely publication of accounts and publishing service delivery benchmarks and also efforts at raising their own revenues (see box below). Further the state is being held to account to disburse grants to the local bodies within 15 days of receiving the grant from the Centre and the latter has also been mandated to release the grant in 2 instalments, one in June and the other in October.
“We are of the opinion that proper accounts are the starting point for financial accountability. Non-maintenance or delayed compilation of annual accounts means compromised accountability. It also implies that reliable financial data for determining the need for resources for local bodies is not available. We observe that it has been more than twenty years that municipalities and panchayats were sought to be empowered, through a Constitutional amendment, to act as institutions of local self-governance and also to provide certain basic services to citizens. It is inconceivable, and certainly not desirable, that local bodies seek an ever increasing share of public moneys and yet continue to keep themselves beyond the ambit of accountability and responsibility for the public money placed with them.” – 14th Finance Commission

The above again is a great opportunity for civil society groups, who work mostly at the local level to use this FC recommendation to strengthen access to budget information at the local level as well as use this information to make service delivery accountable to citizens.

Finally the 14th FC has also recognised that a substantial increase is needed in the tax:gdp ratio but it has been able to project an increase of only about 2% additional (0.67 at the Centre level) by the end of the 14th FC period. This would continue to remain a major constraint for increasing the share of social sectors in the budget and hence would require concerted efforts by civil society groups to engage the Finance Ministry on taxation and tax expenditure issues wherein with elimination of upto two-thirds of tax expenditures and stronger tax compliance nearly 5% of the GDP can be reined in taking the tax:gdp ratio at the national level to 21% from the present 17%. However the 2015-16 budget has taken a regressive step on taxes  by reducing corporate tax rates from the present 30% to 25%, a decline of nearly 17%. This along with the 2% increase in service tax rates and removal of the wealth tax has pushed back the little progressive growth we had seen in taxation policy in the last few years. And ironically the budget estimates for tax revenues of the Centre in absolute numbers show a decline of Rs. 57000 crores from the previous year or 0.4% of GDP. This is some kind of history that this years budget has achieved. 

Budget 2015-16 and the Health Sector – Continued Neglect

The Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitely makes a statement in his opening remarks about
health, “Good health is a necessity for both quality of life, and a person’s productivity and
ability to support his or her family.  Providing medical services in each village and city is
absolutely essential.”

This generic statement in good faith does not get reflected in budgetary commitments. Please note he says “providing medical services in each village and city” and does not say by whom.
The budget overall is very disappointing - it is a budget for Adanis and Ambanis. The corporate tax reduction to a rate of 25% is nearly 17% less burden on Corporates. So corporate hospitals, pharma and medical devices industry, apart from the general corporate world will benefit in a huge way.

Hike in service tax through a cess to fund Swacha Bharat is not a good move as it will hike up patient bills and increase further out of pocket expenditure burdens.

The increased rebate on health insurance premiums from Rs 15000 to 25000 must be creating euphoria in the insurance industry but it is bad for the health of the aam aadmi. This is a clear message from Modi Sarkar that arrange for your own healthcare through purchase of insurance - healthcare is your personal responsibility so we are reducing the budget allocations from Rs 39231 crores budgeted in 2014-15 to Rs. 33260  crores for 2015-16, a slashing of over 15%. This too will contribute to further increase in out of pocket spending. Further if we look at the flagship NHM program the cut in spending is even worse from Rs. 24491 crore in 2014-15 down to Rs. 18295 crore, a whopping decline of over 25%.

Further in the budget speech Jaitley is suggesting an option for ESIS covered workers to opt out and seek cover with health insurance. This will kill the ESIS and social security of workers. He should have instead asked ESIS to cover all organized sector employees by removing the income ceiling for ESIS membership so that not only the working class is covered but also the white collar and executive class. This would be a tremendous boost for not only workers health but also health for the general population as huge resources can be generated with such a move.

While more AIIMS type hospitals in different states is welcome the allocations for it are meagre. The Delhi AIIMS has a budgetary provision of Rs. 1470 crores and for the other AIIMS as of now about 10 the budget is a mere Rs. 1756 crores. That apart getting appropriate faculty and other staff remains a huge challenge for the AIIMS in other states which have already started operations.

The pharmaceuticals department has made a provision for the Jan Aushadi scheme to the tune of Rs. 35 crores up from Rs. 30 crores last year. However in the health budget there is no provision of the much talked about free medicines and diagnostics scheme for public healyth facilities.

One disturbing feature in the health budget is the allocation for CGHS. Why should the general health budget support what is essentially a social security package for its employees. So the real health budget should actually be reduced by the Rs. 915 crores for CGHS dispensaries and further Rs. 2249 crores for medical treatment of pensioners covered by CGHS. If we reduce this total of Rs 3164 then the net health budget is even lower at Rs. 30096 crores. This works out to a Central government allocation of a mere Rs. 240 per capita.

To conclude, the trajectory of public healthcare spending is quite dismal. The neglect of public healthcare continues. Infact the much touted NHM allocations for 2015-16 are even less than the actual expenditure two years ago as is the allocations for AIDS control. So certainly no aache din for peoples healthcare is on the horizon.

Table: Central Government Health Sector Allocations – Rs. crores
2013-14 A/C
2014-15 BE
2015-16 BE
Health and Family Welfare
of which
Medical Institutions
Medical Education and Training
Public Health Programs
Health Research
AIDS control
Total Health Sector